I think it is funny that he mentioned Windows search, for two reasons. No problems with hand written text as mentioned there. Point 7: Better searching? Really? I find exactly the opposite and like EN better for searching. I used EN for a LONG time before I came across other organizational structures that were not immediately obvious to me (ie. I can go on and on, but the point is you are forced to organize the way it is set up. Anyway, OneNotes structure seems to make sense at first, until you start getting either a lot of notebooks, or a lot of notes in one notebook. Where as EN will almost let you do whatever you want, with the exception of doing dead tree type stacks, if that is your thing, which can still be done in tags. The thing I don’t like about OneNote is that it forces you to use its organizational structure. I have a note with a JPG, audio file, text and a web clipping in it. I could easily write an article with the top 10 points on why EN works better for me. I use a note taking program very, very differently, so many of his points are meaningless to me. For that specific article, he wrote about HE uses a note taking program, and why OneNote works better for him.

They both do great things, and do things differently. Any opinion he has is immediately suspect Just kidding……but not really OneNote offers the reliability and security that you are looking for.That guy is using a Windows 8 tablet. It is password protected, so you don’t have to worry about the security of close-to-your-heart notes or ideas or other confidential information. The freestyling content format makes it interactive for the team members to work and share their ideas and form storyboards through OneNote. It prevents the need for emailing content again and again. It offers powerful tools through which pages, notebooks or sections can be shared with team members on real time basis. OneNote also allows for collaboration through its note taking platform. Such as tags of ‘to do list’ can help you stack relevant information at one place. You can do that with the graphic tags which are used to simplify chunks of information. If you need a further organization of your content, then it creates pages, subpages, sections and headings or simply separate notebooks for different purposes or to guide you through your notes. The multimedia stays organized in the application for as long as you want. Be it audio or video files, be it sketches of drawings or be it online links – everything gets saved in this centralized place. It takes the form of an online notebook where everything can be placed without any glitch. OneNote offers amazing features to its users who are inclined to save their ideas or take notes.